Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fruit tart

Okeh.. Resepi Fruit Tart pulak:

Pastry Base:

250g tepung Gandum
125g Butter
75g castor sugar
1 biji telur

Pukul butter dan gula hingga kembang. Masukkan telur. Ayak tepung. Masukkan dalam adunan. Uli sehingga sebati. (sampai tak lekat ditangan)
Simpan dalam plastik dan sejukkan dalam fridge at least 30 minit.

Bila sudah sejuk. Gelek adunan tersebut sehingga tebal lebih kurang 5cm. Masukkan dalam acuan. Bakar dalam oven yang telah dipanaskan 170c selama 15-20 minit.

Krim Pastry/kanstard:

1/2 liter susu segar suam (suam ye..bukan panas)
1 biji telur
1 biji kuning telur
100g castor sugar
Sedikit esen vanilla

25g tepung kastard
30g tepung jagung

Pukul telur, kuning telur, tepung kastard, tpg jagung, gula dan esen vanila sehingga sebati.
Masukkan susu sedikit demi sedikit. Kacau sehingga rata.
masak atas api perlahan dan sentiasa dikacau sehingga mendidih dan likat.

Kalau terlampau likat, masukkan sedikit air atau susu, sehingga adunan kelihatan seperti krim putar.
Jika terlampau cair, bancuh sedikit tepung kastard bersama sedikit air. Masukkan kedalam adunan krim pastry dan masak sehingga mendidih.

Masukkan krim pastry tersebut kedalam piping bag. Ketepikan.

Cairkan sedikit coklat menggunakan kaedah double boiler (kalau ada ganache lebih, guna ganache pon boleh)
Sapukan sedikit coklat tersebut kedalam pastry yang telah dibakar dan disejukkan tadi.
Paipkan Krim pastry kedalam hingga penuh.

Hiaskan dengan buah-buahan potong seperti, peach, kiwi dan strawberry.

Sila cuba. Gerenti sedap!!

Dotted Cheese Cake

Very simple yet delicous Cheese Cake Recipe.

Preheat oven at 160 c

For base : Refer to previous entry

For Filling :

500g cream cheese
140g castor sugar
3 eggs (A)
1/2 or 3/4 orange (squeeze to get the juice)
Choc chips


Beat 500g cream cheese until soft and creamy. Add in castor sugar. Beat until creamy. Beat in eggs one by one.. Add in orange juice.

Pour into the cake tin with biscuit base at the bottom.

Decorate with choc chip on top of it.

Bake using bath method for 1 hour. Let it cool in the oven for a while. Then keep refrigerated for at least 4 hours.

p/s : Kalau boleh guna orange yang masam gila tuh supaya kurang sikit muak.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


1 1/2 cawan tepung
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp garam
1/4 cawan fresh milk
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cawan butter
1 cawan castor sugar
1 biji telur gred A
2 biji putih telur (gred A)

Panaskan oven 175 c.

Campurkan telur bersama vanilla esen. Ketepikan.

Ayak tepung bersama baking powder dan garam. Ketepikan.

Pukul butter hingga kembang, masukkan gula sedikit demi sedikit hingga adunan kembang dan ringan. Perlahankan mixer. Masukkan telur satu persatu.

Masukkan tepung berselang seli dengan susu sedikit demi sedikit sehingga habis.

Tuang adunan di dalam cups atau adunan. Bakar dalam oven 20-25 minit hingga masak.

note : kalau nak letak perisa lain pon boleh. Seperti gambar diatas cupcakes tersebut telah dimasukkan sedikit choc rice.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Another Cheese cake Recipe

Resepi untuk Baking Tin 9''.


200g Digestive Biscuit (di kisar halus/di hancurkan)
90 g melted butter

Campurkan melted butter dan digestive biskut sekali. Gaul hingga rata. Tuang ke dalam loyang. Rata dan tekan sedikit. Sejuk kan didalam fridge selama sekurang-kurangnya 15 minit.

Filling / Bahagian atas:

Panaskan ketuhar 180 c.

500g cream cheese
140g castor sugar
210g sour cream
3 large eggs
1 tsp lime juice

Pukul cream cheese, castor sugar dan sour cream sehingga sebati dan licin. Masukkan lime juice dan telur satu persatu. Pukul sehingga rata dan licin.

Masukkan kedalam loyan berisi BASE/CRUST tadi.

Bakar di atas tray yang berisi 2 cm air, selama 50 minit.

Bila sudah masak, renggangkan sedikit pintu oven, biarkan cheese cake sejuk didalam oven sebelum keluarkan. Kemudian, simpan di dalam fridge selama 4 jam sebelum di potong.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Basic Baked Cheese Cake

Resepi untuk Basic Cheese cake (jenis baked)


200g digestive biscuit (di kisar halus) bersama 1 sudu brown sugar
20g melted magerine or butter

Kacau, melted butter bersama digestive biscuit sampai sebati. Nak guna tangan pun boleh.
Letakkan ke dalam loyang berdiameter 7inci. Ratakan dan tekan sedikit. Simpan di dalam peti sejuk selama sekurang-kurangnya 10 minit sehingga sejuk dan keras.


500g cream cheese
1/4 cup gula castor
2 biji telur

Pukul cream cheese bersama gula hingga kembang. Masukkan telur dan pukul lagi hingga sebati. Masukkan ke atas loyang yang berisi BASE tadi.

Bakar dalam oven 175 c, selama 30 minit. Buka sedikit oven apabila sudah masak dan biar didalam oven sehingga sejuk. Kemudian simpan didalam peti sejuk 4-5 jam sebelum potong.

Senang kan??

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Caramel Cheese cake

I made cheese cake last night. This is my first time ever making cheese cake. After baked, i was a bit confused since at the surface of the cheese cake show some bubbles. So, I poked using knife to release the air inside the bubble.. That was a mistake by the way.. Bubble tu akan hilang once kita refigerate the cheese cake..

ok... recipe:

200g digestive biscuit
75g melted butter

mixed together. Add into baking tin. Spread evenly and press a bit. Baked for 5 min and refrigerate.

350g cream cheese
50g castor sugar
1 tbsp mayonaise
2 egg yolk
1 tsp of lemon juice

2 egg white and 25g castor sugar >> beat together until stiff and hard

1 bar of chruncy and 1 bar of snickers >> cut into small pieces

Mix cream cheese and mayonaise together. Add in castor sugar and beat with medium speed. Add in egg yolk. Mix together. Add in egg white into the mixture and fold together. Then add in lemon juice and mix together lightly.

Take out the base part. Spread a bit of cheese mixture on just to cover the base. Place cut up snickers and crunchy roll on the baking tin and press down a bit. Spoon the rest of the cheese mixture into the baking tin. Bake for 175c for 30-35 minute. Then refrigerate for 4 hours before remove from baking tin.


Caramel sauce
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 cup of wipping cream
1 tbsp of butter

all cook together

Spread choc ganache and caramel sauce on top of the cheese cake. and keep refrigerated.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Something made from cheese..

Last saturday when i went to Tesco Semenyih, I found cheap cream cheese. Usually, Philadelpia Cream Cheese will cost you around RM10++ for 250g. This cream cheese from Tatura Cheese, RM6++ for 250g with 20g extra!!.
I actually want to make cheese cake out of it. But i my fridge is small and have no space for my baking tin.
So I baked layer cake from the cheese. Milo and cheese layer cake.

It turn out tooo sweet for my liking. My sister said she likes the cheese layer more than the milo layer. I should reduce the sugar or sweetened creamer amount next time i bake layer cake. BTW, Milo and cheese are not so good combination. I should try this recipe with chocoa instead.

And just now, I baked Cheese Sponge Cake. It turn out well. But the taste is not what I hope for. It does not taste cheese at all. The taste is like an ordinary vanilla sponge cake. So, I did not include the recipe here since my experiment is fail.

Anyway, I include Vanilla Sponge Cake recepi; I have try this recipe and it turn out well and easy to do with easy to find ingredients.

8 eggs
250g castor sugar
250g flour
100g water (i used fresh milk)
25g ovallete
1 tbsp baking powder

125g melted butter

Mixed all A ingredients together using mixer until smooth and pluffy for 8 minutes. Add in melted butter and mixed ligthly using wooden spoon. (use folding method). Bake for 30-35 min with 190c

Sunday, February 8, 2009

First entry..

I'm not a very good cook... and I'm not very good blogger.. I'll try my best to include every recepi that I try for you at home to try as well..

Sometimes I will experimenting with the ingredients to create something new..


Tribute to;

My traditional cook teacher : My mom, (I start cooking since my age 11)
My baked teacher : CD Owner
And my life experience in UK......